The NASA Air Traffic Management Ontology

The NASA Air Traffic Management Ontology (atmontoCore)

Release dated March 2018

This version:
Latest version:
Previous version:
Richard M. Keller, Intelligent Systems Division, NASA Ames Research Center extends this ontology by adding instances corresponding to key infrastructure components of the US National Airspace System (NAS) extends this ontology by adding sample instances associated with flight, weather, and air traffic advisories in the New York area during July 2014
For full details on the atmontoCore ontology, consult the atmonto ontology documentation.
This work is licensed under the terms of this agreement.


The NASA Air Traffic Management (ATM) Ontology describes classes, properties, and relationships relevant to the domain of air traffic management, and represents information pertinent to a broad and diverse set of interacting components in the US and the global airspace, including flights, aircraft, manufacturers, airports, airlines, air routes, facilities, air traffic advisories, weather phenomena, and many others. Three different variants of the ATM Ontology are provided: atmontoCore, atmonto, and atmontoPlus. The atmontoCore variant contains only the core classes and properties, but no instances. (See Related Ontologies above for descriptions of the other two variants.)