Electric Arc Shock Tube (EAST) Test Data
The Ames Electric Arc Shock Tube (EAST) Facility is the only shock tube in the U.S. capable of simulating shock-heated gas environments at the very high enthalpies encountered by atmospheric entry vehicles. The facility generates conditions for measurements of spectrally resolved radiance and kinetics of shock-heated gases from the vacuum ultraviolet through mid-infrared. The EAST program provides ground-based hyperthermal and hypervelocity environments in support of the nation’s research and development activities in thermal protection materials, aerothermodynamics, vehicle structures, and hypersonic propulsion and flight.
AST data are organized in the following manner:
• Shot Velocity Record.xls contains selected details and notes for all shots, including velocity and spectrometer ranges. Spectrometer data are color coded to indicate the quality of the collected data. A key is given at the bottom of the sheet that describes the meaning of this.
• 3D Spectra are stored in two file formats: *.SPE and *.csv. *.SPE is the native format of the spectrometers, and directly accessible through WinSpec software by PI-Acton and *.csv files are in a 3-column, comma separated, format with wavelength, position, intensity. Wavelength is expressed in nm; position is given in cm; intensity is given in uW/cm2-sr-nm. Divide by 1e4 to obtain W/cm3-sr-um or 1e3 to obtain W/cm2-sr-um. In SPE format, the x and y calibrations are given in the file header. y-calibration does not display in WinSpec but is incorporated in the parsing routines provided.Routines are provided for parsing SPE files into IGOR and Matlab. The routines are: WinSpec.ipf (IGOR) and ImportSPE.m (Matlab). See help inside these individual routines for usage.
• Spectral Cross-sections are stored in .xls format and contain the PI's best estimate of the "equilibrium" region for each shot. Some amount of analysis and plot overlays are contained within these files as well.