This data set consists of all of the ion moments data generated from the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) ion mass spectrometer singles or time-of-flight uncalibrated data. The data set contains the derived ion moments data as follows: Ion Moments (ION_MOMT) Density, Temperature, Average Flow Speed, Average Flow Velocity Ions included are H+, H2+, and W+ (water group ions: O+, OH+, H2O+) The uncalibrated data were acquired in a mix of CAPS operating modes beginning with the first instrument checkout in January 1999 and containing throughout the Cassini Tour and through the end of prime mission. The data set covers the time period from 1999-004T03:07:47 UT until end of prime mission (July 2008). In addition, it will cover data received during extended missions. Sampling rates were variable and depended upon the downlink capabilities and other activities on-board. For times when CAPS is not producing data due to being turned off or due to communication issues, the data set will not contain data. Additionally, there will be no data during times when the calculations are not possible.