This dataset contains the first release, Version 1.0, of the CYGNSS Calibrated Raw Intermediate Frequency (IF) based L1 Product. This product includes several established signal coherence detectors, including the power-ratio Pratio, complex zero-Doppler delay waveform and full entropy Efull, and a novel fast entropy detector Efast. Both entropy detectors are provided with two temporal resolutions: 2 ms and 50 ms. Several scattered signal strength products are included: Signal-to-Noise Ratio SNR, reflected power Pg, reflectivity Γ, and Normalized Bistatic Radar Cross-Section NBRCS. Each of these products is derived using a coherent integration time of Tc = 1 ms and incoherent integration times of Ninc = 1000, 500, 250, 100, 50, and 2 ms. Signal strength time series at the shorter (2 and 50 ms) times provides excellent detection of land-water transitions in heterogeneous scenes. Delay Doppler Maps (DDMs) are also generated with high delay (∆τ = 1/16 chip) and Doppler (∆f= 50 Hz) resolution. This suite of coherence detection methods can be used to detect the presence of small inland water bodies.