The MCD19A3D Version 6.1 data product is a Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Terra and Aqua combined Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) Model Parameters gridded Level 3 product. Output daily at 1 kilometer (km) resolution, the Multi-angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) MCD19A3D product provides three coefficients (weights) of the RossThick/Li-Sparse (RTLS) BRDF model that can be used to describe the anisotropy of each pixel. The retrievals represent cloud-free and low aerosol conditions.
When snow is detected, gap-filled snow grain size and sub-pixel snow fraction are computed. The gap-filling process retains the parameter in MAIAC’s memory for each grid cell until updated with the latest cloud-free observation. The number of days since the last update is provided in a separate layer.
Over snow-free land, MAIAC also reports gap-filled Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) at 1 km resolution and gap-filled Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance (NBAR) at 250 m resolution in the red and near-infrared (NIR) bands.
The MCD19A3 BRDF Model Parameters product contains the following Science Dataset (SDS) layers: RTLS isotropic kernel parameter (Kiso) for bands 1-8, the RTLS volumetric kernel parameter (Kvol) for bands 1-8, RTLS geometric kernel parameter (Kgeo) for bands 1-8, three snow parameters, NDVI, NBAR, and three separate layers for the number of days since last update to current day.
Improvements/Changes from Previous Versions
* The Version 6.1 Level-1B (L1B) products have been improved by undergoing various calibration changes that include: changes to the response-versus-scan angle (RVS) approach that affects reflectance bands for Aqua and Terra MODIS, corrections to adjust for the optical crosstalk in Terra MODIS infrared (IR) bands, and corrections to the Terra MODIS forward look-up table (LUT) update for the period 2012 - 2017.
* A polarization correction has been applied to the L1B Reflective Solar Bands (RSB).
* The MCD19 Version 6.1 products have added 250 m resolution bands.
* The previous BRDF product (MCD19A3) was reported once every eight days and the new MCD19A3D is a daily product.
* MCD19A3D introduces gap-filled NDVI and gap-filled 250 m NBAR.
* Snow Fraction, Snow Fit, and Snow Grain size layers were moved from MCD19A1 to the MCD19A3D.
* There are four additional Climate Modeling Grid (CMG) products: MCD19A1CMGL, MCD19A1GO, MCD19A2CMG, and MCD19A3CMG.