The MODIS/Aqua Level 1B Subsampled Calibrated Radiance 5Km (MYD02SSH) product is a subsample from the MODIS Level 1B 1-km data. Every fifth pixel is taken from the MYD021KM product and written out to MYD02SSH. The subsampling starts at the third frame, and at the third line. Here, "frame" and "line" are naming conventions for pixels along and across the scan, respectively. Since MYD02SSH is a subsampled Level 1B product, many things from the Level 1B documentation apply as well. The MYD02SSH data product contains calibrated and geolocated at-aperture radiances for 36 bands generated from MODIS Level 1A scans of raw radiance (MOD 01). The radiance units are in W/(m ^2 um sr). Additional data are provided including quality flags, error estimates and calibration data. Visible, shortwave infrared (SWIR), and Near Infrared (NIR) measurements are made during daytime only, while radiances for Thermal Infrared (TIR) are measured continuously.
As its parent, the MYD02SSH is in HDF-EOS format, and all metadata structures and names are preserved for better convenience. However, some relevant changes are made where appropriate (e.g., the dimension mappings are updated to reflect the new one-to-one correspondence between the data and geolocations). The latter is one of the most important differences: in the MYD02SSH, there is no offset between data and geolocation pixels. The spatial coverage is almost similar to that from MYD021KM (nominally it is 2330 by 2030 km, cross-track by along-track, respectively). The MYD02SSH is produced continuously, and thus the processing provides 2-day repeat observations of the Earth with a repeat orbit pattern every 16 days.
See the MODIS Science Team homepage for more data set information: