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The objective of the Rodent Research-7 mission (RR-7) was to study the impact of the space environment on the gut microbiota of two strains of mice and how any changes in-turn affect the immune system metabolic system and circadian or daily rhythms. To this end ten 11-week-old female C57BL/6J and ten 11-week-old female C3H/HeJ mice were flown to the International Space Station on June 29 2018 on SpaceX-15 and housed in two Rodent Habitats. Samples of food swabs from living surfaces and fecal pellets were collected from each animal before launch and regularly during the mission. The mission also involved extended video collection (48 hr video segments per Habitat) to monitor circadian rhythms and on-orbit mass measurement. After 25 days on-orbit half of the mice of each strain were euthanized on the ISS with Ketamine/Xylazine/Acepromazine and cardiac puncture after which carcasses were segmented in three sections and preserved in RNA later. After 75-76 days the remaining 5 animals from each group were euthanized and processed in the same manner. The 25-day dissected carcasses returned on SpX-15 and the 75-day dissected carcasses returned on SpX-16. In addition to the Flight group three ground control groups were also part of the study: Basal (representing the pre-launch state) Vivarium (standard vivarium housing for the same duration of time as flight) and Ground (same habitat in the International Space Station Environment Simulator ISSES). Twenty mice (10 of each strain) were included in each of these control groups which were euthanized and processed on the same schedule and in the same manner as the flight samples. Dissections for tissues from all experimental groups were completed by the PI groups along with NASA s Biospecimen Sharing Program in February 2019. GeneLab received kidneys from thirty-eight C57BL/6J mice: 9 Basal 5 Ground (25 days) 4 Ground (75 days) 5 Flight (25 days) 5 Flight (75 days) 5 Vivarium (25 days) 5 Vivarium (75 days). GeneLab received kidneys from thirty-nine C3H/HeJ mice: 9 Basal 5 Ground (25 days) 5 Ground (75 days) 5 Flight (25 days) 5 Flight (75 days) 5 Vivarium (25 days) 5 Vivarium (75 days). From these kidneys RNA was extracted libraries generated (stranded ribodepleted) and sequenced (target 60 M clusters at PE 98 bp).
May 21 2021
The objective of the Rodent Research-6 (RR-6) study was to evaluate muscle atrophy in mice during spaceflight and to test the efficacy of a novel therapeutic to mitigate muscle wasting. The experiment involved an implantable subcutaneous nanochannel delivery system (nDS; between scapula) which delivered the drug formoterol (FMT; a selective Beta-2 adrenoceptor agonist) over the course of time. To this end a cohort of forty 32-weeks-old female C57BL/6NTac mice were either sham operated or implanted with vehicle or treatment-filled nDS and launched in two Transporters (20 mice per Transporter) on SpaceX-13 on December 15 2017. They were transferred to Rodent Habitats onboard the International Space Station (ISS) and maintained in microgravity for 29 days (N=20 Live Animal Return [LAR]) or >50 days (N=20 ISS Terminal). After 29 days the 20 LAR animals were returned live to back to Earth on January 13 2018. After splashdown the animals were ambulatory on-ground for ~4 days until all subjects were processed during one day of dissections. There were two Baseline groups of animals sacrificed (LAR Baseline & FLT Baseline; N=20; 40 animals; ~36 weeks old) at Kennedy Space Center (KSC; 12/9/17). A Ground Control group mimicked the Flight LAR group which was housed at KSC then shipped alive to Novartis facilities where both the LAR and LAR Ground Control groups were processed (~41 weeks old; 1/16/18). All were anesthetized with isoflurane blood samples were obtained by closed-chest cardiac puncture and the animals were euthanized by exsanguination and thoracotomy. The 20 ISS Terminal mice were anesthetized via intraperitoneal injection of ketamine/xylazine/acepromazine over the course of a four days of dissections (2/6/18 until 2/9/18; 53-56 days after launch; 44 weeks old at time of on-orbit dissections). Blood samples and euthanasia were conducted the same as LAR and Baseline. Following blood draw and hind limb dissection the ISS-terminal animal carcasses were wrapped in aluminum foil placed in a ziploc bag and placed in storage at -80C or colder until return. The ISS-terminal Ground Controls (at KSC) followed the same euthanasia timeline methods and preservation. The final processing of frozen ISS-terminal frozen ISS-terminal Ground Controls and frozen 0-day FLT baseline animals were completed at Houston Methodist Research Institute in Houston TX (5/21/18 until 5/24/18). GeneLab received samples of thymus from only sham treated animals (no drug treated animals) from the following groups Flight: LAR (n=9) ISS Terminal (n=10); Ground Controls: LAR GC (N=9) ISS Terminal GC (N=10) LAR Baseline (n=10) ISS Terminal Baseline (n=9). Total RNA was extracted and sequenced at a target depth of 60 M clusters per sample (ribodepleted paired end 150).
May 21 2021
The objective of the Rodent Research-6 (RR-6) study was to evaluate muscle atrophy in mice during spaceflight and to test the efficacy of a novel therapeutic to mitigate muscle wasting. The experiment involved an implantable subcutaneous nanochannel delivery system (nDS; between scapula) which delivered the drug formoterol (FMT; a selective Beta-2 adrenoceptor agonist) over the course of time. To this end a cohort of forty 32-weeks-old female C57BL/6NTac mice were either sham operated or implanted with vehicle or treatment-filled nDS launched in two Transporters (20 mice per Transporter) on SpaceX-13 on December 15 2017. They were transferred to Rodent Habitats onboard the International Space Station (ISS) and maintained in microgravity for 29 days (N=20 Live Animal Return [LAR]) or >50 days (N=20 ISS Terminal). After 29 days the 20 LAR animals were returned live to back to Earth on January 13 2018,. After splashdown the animals were ambulatory on-ground for ~4 days until all subjects were processed during one day of dissections. There were two Baseline groups of animals sacrificed (LAR Baseline & FLT Baseline; N=20; 40 animals; ~36 weeks old) at Kennedy Space Center (KSC; 12/9/17). A Ground Control group mimicked the Flight LAR group which was housed at KSC then shipped alive to Novartis Facilities where both the LAR and LAR Ground Control groups were processed (~41 weeks old; 1/16/18). All were anesthetized with isoflurane blood samples were obtained by closed-chest cardiac puncture and the animals were euthanized by exsanguination and thoracotomy. The 20 ISS Terminal mice were anesthetized via intraperitoneal injection of ketamine/xylazine/acepromazine over the course of a four days of dissections (2/6/18 until 2/9/18; 53-56 days after launch; 44 weeks old at time of on-orbit dissections). Blood samples and euthanasia were conducted the same as LAR and Baseline. Following blood draw and hind limb dissection the ISS-terminal animal carcasses were wrapped in aluminum foil placed in a ziploc bag and placed in storage at -80C or colder until return. The ISS-terminal Ground Controls (at KSC) followed the same euthanasia timeline methods and preservation. The final processing of frozen ISS-terminal frozen ISS-terminal Ground Controls and frozen 0-day FLT baseline animals were completed at Houston Methodist Research Institute in Houston TX (5/21/18 until 5/24/18). GeneLab received samples of liver from only sham treated animals (no drug treated animals) from the following groups Flight: LAR (n=10) ISS Terminal (n= 10); Ground Controls: LAR GC (N=9) ISS Terminal GC (N=10) LAR Baseline (n=10) ISS Terminal Baseline (n=10). Total RNA was extracted and sequenced at a target depth of 60 M clusters per sample (ribodepleted paired end 150).
May 21 2021
The objective of the Rodent Research-6 (RR-6) study was to evaluate muscle atrophy in mice during spaceflight and to test the efficacy of a novel therapeutic to mitigate muscle wasting. The experiment involved an implantable subcutaneous nanochannel delivery system (nDS; between scapula) which delivered the drug formoterol (FMT; a selective Beta-2 adrenoceptor agonist) over the course of time. To this end a cohort of forty 32-weeks-old female C57BL/6NTac mice were either sham operated or implanted with vehicle or treatment-filled nDS launched in two Transporters (20 mice per Transporter) on SpaceX-13 on December 15 2017. They were transferred to Rodent Habitats onboard the International Space Station (ISS) and maintained in microgravity for 29 days (N=20 Live Animal Return [LAR]) or >50 days (N=20 ISS Terminal). After 29 days the 20 LAR animals were returned live to back to Earth on January 13 2018,. After splashdown the animals were ambulatory on-ground for ~4 days until all subjects were processed during one day of dissections. There were two Baseline groups of animals sacrificed (LAR Baseline & FLT Baseline; N=20; 40 animals; ~36 weeks old) at Kennedy Space Center (KSC; 12/9/17). A Ground Control group mimicked the Flight LAR group which was housed at KSC then shipped alive to Novartis Facilities where both the LAR and LAR Ground Control groups were processed (~41 weeks old; 1/16/18). All were anesthetized with isoflurane blood samples were obtained by closed-chest cardiac puncture and the animals were euthanized by exsanguination and thoracotomy. The 20 ISS Terminal mice were anesthetized via intraperitoneal injection of ketamine/xylazine/acepromazine over the course of a four days of dissections (2/6/18 until 2/9/18; 53-56 days after launch; 44 weeks old at time of on-orbit dissections). Blood samples and euthanasia were conducted the same as LAR and Baseline. Following blood draw and hind limb dissection the ISS-terminal animal carcasses were wrapped in aluminum foil placed in a ziploc bag and placed in storage at -80C or colder until return. The ISS-terminal Ground Controls (at KSC) followed the same euthanasia timeline methods and preservation. The final processing of frozen ISS-terminal frozen ISS-terminal Ground Controls and frozen 0-day FLT baseline animals were completed at Houston Methodist Research Institute in Houston TX (5/21/18 until 5/24/18). GeneLab received samples of lung from only sham treated animals (no drug treated animals) from the following groups Flight: LAR (n=10) ISS Terminal (n= 10); Ground Controls: LAR GC (N=9) ISS Terminal GC (N=10) LAR Baseline (n=10) ISS Terminal Baseline (n=9). Total RNA was extracted and sequenced at a target depth of 60 M clusters per sample (ribodepleted paired end 150).
May 21 2021
The objective of the Rodent Research-6 (RR-6) study was to evaluate muscle atrophy in mice during spaceflight and to test the efficacy of a novel therapeutic to mitigate muscle wasting. The experiment involved an implantable subcutaneous nanochannel delivery system (nDS; between scapula) which delivered the drug formoterol (FMT; a selective Beta-2 adrenoceptor agonist) over the course of time. To this end a cohort of forty 32-weeks-old female C57BL/6NTac mice were either sham operated or implanted with vehicle or treatment-filled nDS launched in two Transporters (20 mice per Transporter) on SpaceX-13 on December 15 2017. They were transferred to Rodent Habitats onboard the International Space Station (ISS) and maintained in microgravity for 29 days (N=20 Live Animal Return [LAR]) or >50 days (N=20 ISS Terminal). After 29 days the 20 LAR animals were returned live to back to Earth on January 13 2018,. After splashdown the animals were ambulatory on-ground for ~4 days until all subjects were processed during one day of dissections. There were two Baseline groups of animals sacrificed (LAR Baseline & FLT Baseline; N=20; 40 animals; ~36 weeks old) at Kennedy Space Center (KSC; 12/9/17). A Ground Control group mimicked the Flight LAR group which was housed at KSC then shipped alive to Novartis Facilities where both the LAR and LAR Ground Control groups were processed (~41 weeks old; 1/16/18). All were anesthetized with isoflurane blood samples were obtained by closed-chest cardiac puncture and the animals were euthanized by exsanguination and thoracotomy. The 20 ISS Terminal mice were anesthetized via intraperitoneal injection of ketamine/xylazine/acepromazine over the course of a four days of dissections (2/6/18 until 2/9/18; 53-56 days after launch; 44 weeks old at time of on-orbit dissections). Blood samples and euthanasia were conducted the same as LAR and Baseline. Following blood draw and hind limb dissection the ISS-terminal animal carcasses were wrapped in aluminum foil placed in a ziploc bag and placed in storage at -80C or colder until return. The ISS-terminal Ground Controls (at KSC) followed the same euthanasia timeline methods and preservation. The final processing of frozen ISS-terminal frozen ISS-terminal Ground Controls and frozen 0-day FLT baseline animals were completed at Houston Methodist Research Institute in Houston TX (5/21/18 until 5/24/18). GeneLab received samples of colon from only sham treated animals (no drug treated animals) from the following groups Flight: LAR (n=10) ISS Terminal (n= 9); Ground Controls: LAR GC (N=8) ISS Terminal GC (N=9) LAR Baseline (n=9) ISS Terminal Baseline (n=9). Total RNA was extracted and sequenced at a target depth of 60 M clusters per sample (ribodepleted paired end 150).
May 21 2021
The objective of the Rodent Research-6 (RR-6) study was to evaluate muscle atrophy in mice during spaceflight and to test the efficacy of a novel therapeutic to mitigate muscle wasting. The experiment involved an implantable subcutaneous nanochannel delivery system (nDS; between scapula) which delivered the drug formoterol (FMT; a selective Beta-2 adrenoceptor agonist) over the course of time. To this end a cohort of forty 32-weeks-old female C57BL/6NTac mice were either sham operated or implanted with vehicle or treatment-filled nDS launched in two Transporters (20 mice per Transporter) on SpaceX-13 on December 15 2017. They were transferred to Rodent Habitats onboard the International Space Station (ISS) and maintained in microgravity for 29 days (N=20 Live Animal Return [LAR]) or >50 days (N=20 ISS Terminal). After 29 days the 20 LAR animals were returned live to back to Earth on January 13 2018,. After splashdown the animals were ambulatory on-ground for ~4 days until all subjects were processed during one day of dissections. There were two Baseline groups of animals sacrificed (LAR Baseline & FLT Baseline; N=20; 40 animals; ~36 weeks old) at Kennedy Space Center (KSC; 12/9/17). A Ground Control group mimicked the Flight LAR group which was housed at KSC then shipped alive to Novartis Facilities where both the LAR and LAR Ground Control groups were processed (~41 weeks old; 1/16/18). All were anesthetized with isoflurane blood samples were obtained by closed-chest cardiac puncture and the animals were euthanized by exsanguination and thoracotomy. The 20 ISS Terminal mice were anesthetized via intraperitoneal injection of ketamine/xylazine/acepromazine over the course of a four days of dissections (2/6/18 until 2/9/18; 53-56 days after launch; 44 weeks old at time of on-orbit dissections). Blood samples and euthanasia were conducted the same as LAR and Baseline. Following blood draw and hind limb dissection the ISS-terminal animal carcasses were wrapped in aluminum foil placed in a ziploc bag and placed in storage at -80C or colder until return. The ISS-terminal Ground Controls (at KSC) followed the same euthanasia timeline methods and preservation. The final processing of frozen ISS-terminal frozen ISS-terminal Ground Controls and frozen 0-day FLT baseline animals were completed at Houston Methodist Research Institute in Houston TX (5/21/18 until 5/24/18). GeneLab received samples of spleen from only sham treated animals (no drug treated animals) from the following groups Flight: LAR (n=9) ISS Terminal (n= 9); Ground Controls: LAR GC (N=9) ISS Terminal GC (N=10) LAR Baseline (n=10) ISS Terminal Baseline (n=6). Total RNA was extracted and sequenced at a target depth of 60 M clusters per sample (ribodepleted paired end 150).
May 21 2021
The objective of the Rodent Research-6 (RR-6) study was to evaluate muscle atrophy in mice during spaceflight and to test the efficacy of a novel therapeutic to mitigate muscle wasting. The experiment involved an implantable subcutaneous nanochannel delivery system (nDS; between scapula) which delivered the drug formoterol (FMT; a selective Beta-2 adrenoceptor agonist) over the course of time. To this end a cohort of forty 32-weeks-old female C57BL/6NTac mice were either sham operated. or implanted with vehicle or treatment-filled nDS and launched in two Transporters (20 mice per Transporter) on SpaceX-13 on December 15 2017. They were transferred to Rodent Habitats onboard the International Space Station (ISS) and maintained in microgravity for 29 days (N=20 Live Animal Return [LAR]) or >50 days (N=20 ISS Terminal). After 29 days the 20 LAR animals were returned live to back to Earth on January 13 2018. After splashdown the animals were ambulatory on-ground for ~4 days until all subjects were processed during one day of dissections. There were two Baseline groups of animals sacrificed (LAR Baseline & FLT Baseline; N=20; 40 animals; ~36 weeks old) at Kennedy Space Center (KSC; 12/9/17). A Ground Control group mimicked the Flight LAR group which was housed at KSC then shipped alive to Novartis facilities where both the LAR and LAR Ground Control groups were processed (~41 weeks old; 1/16/18). All were anesthetized with isoflurane blood samples were obtained by closed-chest cardiac puncture and the animals were euthanized by exsanguination and thoracotomy. The 20 ISS Terminal mice were anesthetized via intraperitoneal injection of ketamine/xylazine/acepromazine over the course of a four days of dissections (2/6/18 until 2/9/18; 53-56 days after launch; 44 weeks old at time of on-orbit dissections). Blood samples and euthanasia were conducted the same as LAR and Baseline. Following blood draw and hind limb dissection the ISS-terminal animal carcasses were wrapped in aluminum foil placed in a ziploc bag and placed in storage at -80C or colder until return. The ISS-terminal Ground Controls (at KSC) followed the same euthanasia timeline methods and preservation. The final processing of frozen ISS-terminal frozen ISS-terminal Ground Controls and frozen 0-day FLT baseline animals were completed at Houston Methodist Research Institute in Houston TX (5/21/18 until 5/24/18). GeneLab received samples of dorsal skin from only sham treated animals (no drug treated animals) from the following groups Flight: LAR (n=9) ISS Terminal (n=9); Ground Controls: LAR GC (N=9) ISS Terminal GC (N=10) LAR Baseline (n=10) ISS Terminal Baseline (n=6). Total RNA was extracted and sequenced at a target depth of 60 M clusters per sample (ribodepleted paired end 150).
May 21 2021
The objective of the Rodent Research-9 (RR-9) mission was to use mice to understand the molecular basis of phenomena that affect astronauts during long-duration spaceflight particularly visual impairment and joint tissue degradation. To this end a flight group (FLT) of 10 week-old male C57BL/6J mice were launched from Kennedy Space Center (KSC) on 8/14/2017 and housed in Rodent Habitats on the ISS for 33 days before being returned alive to Earth. After splashdown in the Pacific Ocean the animals were transported to Loma Linda University (LLU) for testing euthanasia and dissection on 9/18/2018. A Basal Control (BSL) was housed in standard cages at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and euthanized one day after launch of the FLT animals (8/15/2017). Ground Control (GC) and Vivarium Control (VIV) studies were planned to commence at KSC approximately one-week after the conclusion of the flight experiments. However all the GC and VIV mouse studies at KSC had to be cancelled due to Hurricane Irma and potential adverse effects on the animal housing facility. The GC and VIV studies were therefore rescheduled and begun in May 2018. The GC was euthanized and dissected 6/18/2018 - 6/20/2018 while the VIV was euthanized and dissected 6/22/2018 - 6/23/2018. Because this resulted in a different cohort of mice being used for the GC and VIV controls as compared to the flight (FLT) and basal (BSL) groups two cohort controls were included in the study. The first Cohort Control 1 (CC_C1) was from the same cohort as the FLT and BSL animals and was sacrificed and dissected 4 days after the FLT group (9/22/2017). The second Cohort Control 2 (CC_C2) was from the same cohort as the GC and VIV animals and was sacrificed and dissected 2-8 days after the GC and VIV groups (6/24/2018 - 6/26/2018). The CC_C1 and CC_C2 groups were housed in standard cages and fed standard chow in contrast to all other groups which received Rodent Foodbars. To clarify the connections between treatment groups and animal cohorts the following group abbreviations are used in the sample metadata: Flight (FLT_C1); Basal (BSL_C1); Ground Control (GC_C2); Vivarium Control (VIV_C2) Cohort Control 1 (CC_C1); Cohort Control 2 (CC_C2). Upon dissection livers were preserved in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 C before RNA was extracted libraries generated (stranded ribodepleted) and sequenced (target 60 M clusters at PE 150 bp).
May 21 2021
The JAXA MHU-2 mission had two objectives: 1) To increase understanding of effects of spaceflight on the gut environment (microbiota and metabolites) and immune system using multi-omics based analysis; 2) To evaluate whether fructo-oligosaccharides added to the diet as prebiotics improve the gut environment and immune function during spaceflight. Twelve 16-18 week old male C57BL/6J mice were singly housed in the JAXA Habitat Cage Units (HCUs) on the ISS for 30 days. Six flight mice were housed in microgravity while six were exposed to simulated 1g by centrifugation. These two flight groups were further divided in half so that three mice in each group received standard JAXA chow while the other three were fed chow supplemented with fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Mice were returned live and euthanized and dissected <1 day after splashdown. Ground controls (n=6) were asynchronous and housed in HCUs. Vivarium controls (n=6) were asynchronous and housed in standard habitats. Three ground control and three vivarium animals received standard chow while the other three each ground control and vivarium animals received FOS-supplemented chow. Ground and vivarium samples were dissected by a separate dissection team than flight samples. Femoral skin was dissected 30 minutes after euthanasia and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen. Total RNA was extracted and sequenced at a target depth of 60 M clusters per sample (ribodepleted paired end 150). Study Factor Levels: 1)Spaceflight ug Std. Chow: 3; 2)Spaceflight ug FOS: 3; 3) Spaceflight Artificial 1g Std. Chow: 3; 4)Spaceflight Artificial 1g FOS: 3; 5)Ground 1g Std. Chow: 3; 6)Ground 1g FOS: 3; 7)Vivarium 1g Std. Chow: 3; 8)Vivarium 1g FOS: 3
May 21 2021
The objective of the Rodent Research-7 mission (RR-7) was to study the impact of the space environment on the gut microbiota of two strains of mice and how any changes in-turn affect the immune system metabolic system and circadian or daily rhythms. To this end ten 11-week-old female C57BL/6J and ten 11-week-old female C3H/HeJ mice were flown to the International Space Station on June 29 2018 on SpaceX-15 and housed in two Rodent Habitats. Samples of food swabs from living surfaces and fecal pellets were collected from each animal before launch and regularly during the mission. The mission also involved extended video collection (48 hr video segments per Habitat) to monitor circadian rhythms and on-orbit mass measurement. After 25 days on-orbit half of the mice of each strain were euthanized on the ISS with Ketamine/Xylazine/Acepromazine and cardiac puncture after which carcasses were segmented in three sections and preserved in RNA later. After 75-76 days the remaining 5 animals from each group were euthanized and processed in the same manner. The 25-day dissected carcasses returned on SpX-15 and the 75-day dissected carcasses returned on SpX-16. In addition to the Flight group three ground control groups were also part of the study: Basal (representing the pre-launch state) Vivarium (standard vivarium housing for the same duration of time as flight) and Ground (same habitat in the International Space Station Environment Simulator ISSES). Twenty mice (10 of each strain) were included in each of these control groups which were euthanized and processed on the same schedule and in the same manner as the flight samples. Dissections for tissues from all experimental groups were completed by the PI groups along with NASA s Biospecimen Sharing Program in February 2019. GeneLab received dorsal skin samples from forty C57BL/6J mice: 10 Basal 5 Ground (25 days) 5 Ground (75 days) 5 Flight (25 days) 5 Flight (75 days) 5 Vivarium (25 days) 5 Vivarium (75 days). GeneLab received dorsal skin samples from forty C3H/HeJ mice: 10 Basal 5 Ground (25 days) 5 Ground (75 days) 5 Flight (25 days) 5 Flight (75 days) 5 Vivarium (25 days) 5 Vivarium (75 days). From these skin samples RNA was extracted libraries generated (stranded ribodepleted) and sequenced (target 60 M clusters at PE 98 bp).
May 21 2021