This dataset is intended to include IR and VNIR data from the CRISM instrument on MRO, processed to several different levels. The core structure parallels that of an EDR with a multiband image and a text file containing frame-specific housekeeping information for each of the concatenated image frames in the multiband image. However the image data has been converted to units of radiance using level-4 and level-6 CDRs, and analog housekeeping items in the text file (voltages, currents, and temperatures) have been converted into physical units using a level-6 CDR. Both files share a common label. A TRDR may also contain separately labeled multiband images in which radiance has been processed to I/F (radiance divided by (pi * solar flux at 1 AU * heliocentric distance^2)), Lambert albedo, or a set of derived spectral parameters (summary products) that provide an overview of the data set. The summary products include Lambert albedo at key wavelengths, or key band depths or spectral reflectance ratios. To create Lambert albedo or most summary products, estimated corrections for atmospheric and photometric effects are applied to the I/F data.