Understanding the molecular mechanisms by which plants sense and adapt to changes in the space environment is essential for generating plants that are better adapted to withstand space flight microgravity and other adverse conditions encountered in space. The objective of our spaceflight experiment x93Plant Signaling in Microgravity x94 (carried out on the International Space Station ISS) was to compare transcript profiles of wild type and transgenic InsP 5-ptase plants with compromised InsP3 signaling. The transgenic Arabidopsis plants constitutively express the mammalian type I inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase (InsP 5-ptase) an enzyme that specifically hydrolyzes the lipid-derived second messenger inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3). These transgenic plants exhibit normal growth and morphology; however their responses to environmental stimuli including gravity and drought are altered. Seedlings were grown for 5 days under continuous light in experimental containers placed in the European Modular Cultivation system (EMCS) onboard the ISS. The EMCS consists of two rotors within a controlled chamber allowing for a x931g x94 control in space. After sample retrieval from the ISS RNA was isolated from shoot and root tissue and subjected to RNA sequencing. Two-way comparisons of micro g versus x931 x94g have uncovered regulatory mechanisms that are both conserved and altered between the wild type and transgenic seedlings.