This dataset includes Level 1B (L1B) data products from the MODIS/ASTER Airborne Simulator (MASTER) instrument. The spectral data were collected during 46 flights aboard a NASA DC-8 aircraft over sites encompassing the Pacific Rim, including Alaska, California, Hawaii, islands of the south and western Pacific Ocean, New Zealand, Australia, Polynesia, southeast Asia, South Korea, and Japan. Flights took place on 2000-07-21 to 2000-10-23. The Pacific Rim 2000 (PacRim II) Campaign gathered geographic and atmospheric data for coastal analysis, oceanography, forestry, geology, hydrology and archaeology of various regions using data from the Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AirSAR) and MODIS/ASTER Airborne Simulator (MASTER) instruments. This was the first campaign to operate both the AIRSAR and MASTER instruments simultaneously, providing scientists with additional insight on how topography affects the vegetation and land surface temperature as seen in the MASTER data. Data products include L1B georeferenced multispectral imagery of calibrated radiance in 50 bands covering wavelengths of 0.460 to 12.879 micrometers at approximately 25-meter spatial resolution. The L1B file format is HDF-4. In addition, the dataset includes flight paths, spectral band information, instrument configuration, ancillary notes, and summary information for each flight, and browse images derived from each L1B data file.