The 1990 Standard Extract Files portion of the Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP) contains population and housing data derived from the U.S. Census Bureau's 1990 STF3A database. The population data includes age
distribution, education levels, ethnicity, income distribution, labor force status and family structure, while the housing data embodies size and state of the housing Unit, value of the Unit, water, sewage, heating, and monthly owner costs. The data are available by county, county subdivisions, place within-county, tract, block numbering area (bna), and blockgroup. Each file contains a unique POLygon IDentification (POLID) field which matches a similar field in the corresponding TIGER-based boundary file. Tract and blockgroup files are grouped by MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) and CMSA (Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area). This portion of the ACRP is produced by the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN).