The data set is a time-series of snow pit measurements obtained by the SnowEx community during the 2021 field campaign. etween November 2020 and May 2021 data from 247 snow pits were collected at 24 unique sites distributed over 4 states (CO, ID, MT, UT) throughout the Western United States. Five of the unique sites had a single visit to establish baseline conditions, while the remaining 19 sites had 3 or more repeat visits throughout the season, with a median visit count of 11.5. On a weekly interval, a snow pit was dug approximately 1 m away from the previous week’s snow pit. Available measured parameters are: snow depth, snow temperature, snow density, stratigraphy, grain size, manual wetness, liquid water content (LWC), and snow water equivalent (SWE). Also available are photos of the field notes and snow pit sites.