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WARNING: To users of the derived product “co_mmr_midtrop” (carbon monoxide mass mixing ratio to dry air [kg/kg] at ~500 hPa). This variable has a significant bias due to a conversion error: the molecular weight of carbon dioxide (CO2, 44.01 g/mol) was used instead of carbon monoxide (CO, 28.01 g/mol). To correct, simply multiply “co_mmr_midtrop” by 28.01/44.01. Alternatively, derive a profile of mass mixing ratio from scratch using the retrieved column density values (“mol_lay/co_mol_lay”) in the Level 2 files. For further questions or concerns please contact the Sounder SIPS at: sounder.sips@jpl.nasa.gov
The CLIMCAPS (Community Long-term Infrared Microwave Coupled Product System) algorithm is used to analyze data from the AIRS (Atmospheric Infrared Sounder) and AMSU (Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit). The AIRS instrument is a grating spectrometer (R = 1200) aboard the second Earth Observing System (EOS) polar-orbiting platform, EOS Aqua. The AIRS in combination with the AMSU constitutes an innovative atmospheric sounding group of infrared and microwave sensors. The AIRS Standard Retrieval Product consists of retrieved estimates of cloud and surface properties, plus profiles of retrieved temperature, water vapor, ozone, carbon monoxide and methane. The temperature profile vertical resolution is 100 levels total between 1100 mb and 0.1 mb, while moisture profile is reported at atmospheric layers between 1100 mb and 300 mb. The horizontal resolution is 50 km.
The CLIMCAPS algorithm uses an Optimal Estimation methodology and uses an a-priori first guess to start the process. A CLIMCAPS sounding is comprised of a set of parameters that characterizes the full atmospheric state and includes a variety of geophysical parameters derived from the CrIMSS data. These include surface temperature and infrared emissivity; full atmosphere profiles of temperature, water vapor and ozone; infrared effective cloud top characteristics; carbon monoxide, methane, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide, and nitric acid.
This daily one degree latitude by one degree longitude level-3 product starts with level-2 retrieval products applying the comprehensive quality control (QC) methodology. Comprehensive QC accepts a retrieval if the profile is good to the surface and ensures consistent analysis across all levels and variables.
February 28 2023
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SEAC4RS_Merge_Data are pre-generated merge data files collected during the Studies of Emissions and Atmospheric Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys (SEA4CRS) airborne field study. This product contains merged data products collected from instruments onboard the DC-8 and ER-2 aircrafts. Data collection for this product is complete.
Studies of Emissions and Atmospheric Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling by Regional Surveys (SEAC4RS) airborne field study was conducted in August and September of 2013. The field operation was based in Houston, Texas. The primary SEAC4RS science objectives are: to determine how pollutant emissions are redistributed via deep convection throughout the troposphere; to determine the evolution of gases and aerosols in deep convective outflow and the implications for UT/LS chemistry; to identify the influences and feedbacks of aerosol particles from anthropogenic pollution and biomass burning on meteorology and climate through changes in the atmospheric heat budget (i.e., semi-direct effect) or through microphysical changes in clouds (i.e., indirect effects); and lastly, to serve as a calibration and validation test bed for future satellite instruments and missions.
The airborne observational data were collected from three aircraft platforms: the NASA DC-8, ER-2, and SPEC LearJet. Both the NASA DC-8 and ER-2 aircraft were instrumented for comprehensive in-situ and remote sensing measurements of the trace gas, aerosol properties, and cloud properties. In addition, radiative fluxes and meteorological parameters were also recorded. The NASA DC-8 was mostly responsible for tropospheric sampling, while the NASA ER-2 was operating in the lower stratospheric regime. The SPEC LearJet was dedicated to in-situ cloud characterizations. To accomplish the science objectives, the flight plans were designed to investigate the influence of biomass burning and pollution, their temporal evolution, and ultimately, impacts on meteorological processes which can, in turn, feedback on regional air quality. With respect to meteorological feedbacks, the opportunity to examine the impact of polluting aerosols on cloud properties and dynamics was of particular interest.
February 28 2023
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SCOAPE_Ground_Data is the ground site data collected during the Satellite Coastal and Oceanic Atmospheric Pollution Experiment (SCOAPE). The ground site was located at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON; Cocodrie, LA). This collection features NO2 volume mixing ratios from the Teledyne API T500U and boundary layer height information from the UH Vaisala CL31 Ceilometer. Data collection for this product is complete.
The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) requires the US Department of Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to ensure compliance with the US National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) so that Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and natural gas (ONG) exploration, development, and production do not significantly impact the air quality of any US state. In 2017, BOEM and NASA entered into an interagency agreement to begin a study to scope out the feasibility of BOEM personnel using a suite of NASA and non-NASA resources to assess how pollutants from ONG exploration, development, and production activities affect air quality. An important activity of this interagency agreement was SCOAPE, a field deployment that took place in May 2019, that aimed to assess the capability of satellite observations for monitoring offshore air quality. The outcomes of the study are documented in two BOEM reports (Duncan, 2020; Thompson, 2020).
To address BOEM’s goals, the SCOAPE science team conducted surface-based remote sensing and in-situ measurements, which enabled a systematic assessment of the application of satellite observations, primarily NO2, for monitoring air quality. The SCOAPE field measurements consisted of onshore ground sites, including in the vicinity of LUMCON, as well as those from University of Southern Mississippi’s Research Vessel (R/V) Point Sur, which cruised in the Gulf of Mexico from 10-18 May 2019. Based on the 2014 and 2017 BOEM emissions inventories as well as daily air quality and meteorological forecasts, the cruise track was designed to sample both areas with large oil drilling platforms and areas with dense small natural gas facilities. The R/V Point Sur was instrumented to carry out both remote sensing and in-situ measurements of NO2 and O3 along with in-situ CH4, CO2, CO, and VOC tracers which allowed detailed characterization of airmass type and emissions. In addition, there were also measurements of multi-wavelength AOD and black carbon as well as planetary boundary layer structure and meteorological variables, including surface temperature, humidity, and winds. A ship-based spectrometer instrument provided remotely-sensed total column amounts of NO2 and O3 for direct comparison with satellite measurements. Ozonesondes and radiosondes were also launched 1-3 times daily from the R/V Point Sur to provide O3 and meteorological vertical profile observations. The ground-based observations, primarily at LUMCON, included spectrometer-measured column NO2 and O3, in-situ NO2, VOCs, and planetary boundary layer structure. A NO2sonde was also mounted on a vehicle with the goal to detect pollution onshore from offshore ONG activities during onshore flow; data were collected along coastal Louisiana from Burns Point Park to Grand Isle to the tip of the Mississippi River delta. The in-situ measurements were reported in ICARTT files or Excel files. The remote sensing data are in either HDF or netCDF files.
February 28 2023
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SCOAPE_Sondes_Data is the NO2-sonde and ozonesonde data collected during the Satellite Coastal and Oceanic Atmospheric Pollution Experiment (SCOAPE). Data were collected by KNMI NO2-sondes and ozonesondes. Data collection for this product is complete.
The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) requires the US Department of Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to ensure compliance with the US National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) so that Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and natural gas (ONG) exploration, development, and production do not significantly impact the air quality of any US state. In 2017, BOEM and NASA entered into an interagency agreement to begin a study to scope out the feasibility of BOEM personnel using a suite of NASA and non-NASA resources to assess how pollutants from ONG exploration, development, and production activities affect air quality. An important activity of this interagency agreement was SCOAPE, a field deployment that took place in May 2019, that aimed to assess the capability of satellite observations for monitoring offshore air quality. The outcomes of the study are documented in two BOEM reports (Duncan, 2020; Thompson, 2020).
To address BOEM’s goals, the SCOAPE science team conducted surface-based remote sensing and in-situ measurements, which enabled a systematic assessment of the application of satellite observations, primarily NO2, for monitoring air quality. The SCOAPE field measurements consisted of onshore ground sites, including in the vicinity of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON; Cocodrie, LA), as well as those from University of Southern Mississippi’s Research Vessel (R/V) Point Sur, which cruised in the Gulf of Mexico from 10-18 May 2019. Based on the 2014 and 2017 BOEM emissions inventories as well as daily air quality and meteorological forecasts, the cruise track was designed to sample both areas with large oil drilling platforms and areas with dense small natural gas facilities. The R/V Point Sur was instrumented to carry out both remote sensing and in-situ measurements of NO2 and O3 along with in-situ CH4, CO2, CO, and VOC tracers which allowed detailed characterization of airmass type and emissions. In addition, there were also measurements of multi-wavelength AOD and black carbon as well as planetary boundary layer structure and meteorological variables, including surface temperature, humidity, and winds. A ship-based spectrometer instrument provided remotely-sensed total column amounts of NO2 and O3 for direct comparison with satellite measurements. Ozonesondes and radiosondes were also launched 1-3 times daily from the R/V Point Sur to provide O3 and meteorological vertical profile observations. The ground-based observations, primarily at LUMCON, included spectrometer-measured column NO2 and O3, in-situ NO2, VOCs, and planetary boundary layer structure. A NO2sonde was also mounted on a vehicle with the goal to detect pollution onshore from offshore ONG activities during onshore flow; data were collected along coastal Louisiana from Burns Point Park to Grand Isle to the tip of the Mississippi River delta. The in-situ measurements were reported in ICARTT files or Excel files. The remote sensing data are in either HDF or netCDF files.
February 28 2023
This dataset contains the first provisional release of the MEaSUREs-funded Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) of ancillary data corresponding to the QuikSCAT Level 2 (L2) data products, interpolated in space and time to the scatterometer observations. These ancillary files include: i) ocean surface wind fields from ERA-5 short-term forecasts (removed from the analyses times to reduce impacts from assimilated scatterometer retrievals at the beginning of the forecast); ii) collocated in space and time estimations of precipitation from the GPM IMERG product; iii) estimation of the surface currents from the GlobeCurrent project. These auxiliary fields are included to complement the scatterometer observation fields and to help in the evaluation process. The primary purpose of this release is for provisional evaluation to be provided by the NASA International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team (IOVWST). As such, this release is not intended for science-quality research, and is subject to future revision based on feedback provided by the IOVWST. The modeled ocean surface auxiliary fields are provided on a non-uniform grid within the native L2 QuikSCAT sampled locations at 12.5 km pixel resolution. Each file corresponds to a specific orbital revolution (rev) number, which begins at the southernmost point of the ascending orbit.
February 28 2023
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PISTON-ONR-NOAA_Islands_2018-2019 is the Propagation of Intra-Seasonal Tropical Oscillations (PISTON) 2018-2019 island rawinsonde data product. This product is the result of a joint effort that involved NASA as well as the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Data collection is complete.
The PISTON field campaign, sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), was designed to gain understanding and enhance the prediction capability of multi-scale tropical atmospheric convection and air-sea interaction in this region. PISTON targeted the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation (BSISO), which defines the northward and eastward movement of convection associated with equatorial waves, the MJO, tropical cyclones, and the Maritime Continent monsoon during northern-hemispheric (boreal) summertime. PISTON completed three total shipboard cruises, deployed eight drifting ocean profiling floats and two full-depth ocean moorings, collaborated with a Japanese research vessel collecting similar data, and also made use of soundings from nearby islands. These activities took place in the Philippine Sea, which is in the tropical northwestern Pacific Ocean north of Palau, between August 2018 - September 2019, with each dataset spanning a slightly different amount of time. There were two US research vessels involved in PISTON: R/V Thomas G. Thompson in Aug-Sept and Sept-Oct 2018 and R/V Sally Ride in Sept 2019. The first 2018 cruise coincided collaborative activities with R/V Mirai. The 2019 cruise coincided with the NASA CAMP2Ex airborne field experiment (Clouds, Aerosol and Monsoon Processes-Philippines Experiment, please see more info below). The two specialized moorings were deployed north of Palau and collected data from August 2018 - Oct 2019 to document a time series of ocean characteristics beneath typhoons and other tropical weather disturbances. Toward the same goal, eight profiling ocean floats were also deployed ahead of typhoons in 2018.
For characterization of clouds and precipitation, the PISTON shipboard instrument payload included a scanning C-band dual-polarization Doppler radar (SEA-POL), a vertically-pointing Doppler W-band radar, and multiple vertically- and horizontally-scanning lidars. Rawinsondes were launched from the ships for atmospheric profiling. Additional radiosonde and precipitation radar data were collected from R/V Mirai via an international collaboration. Regular soundings were also archived from islands neighboring the Philippines and the Philippine Sea: Dongsha Island, Taiping Island, Yap, Palau, and Guam. Additional atmospheric sampling from the PISTON R/V Thompson 2018 and Sally Ride 2019 cruises included an electric field meter and disdrometer in 2018, and all-sky camera images in 2019. To document near-surface meteorological conditions, air-sea fluxes, and upper-ocean variability including ocean vertical profiles on these cruises, instruments were deployed on and towed from the ship. Additional profiles of ocean acoustics and oceanic chemistry were not archived but are available upon request by James N. Moum, Oregon State University, jim.moum@oregonstate.edu. A forecast team analyzed and predicted conditions of the weather and ocean throughout the PISTON experiment, which were not archived but are available upon request for future modeling and observational analysis studies (contacts: Sue Chen, US Naval Research Lab Monterey, sue.chen@nrlmry.navy.mil and Michael M. Bell, Colorado State University, mmbell@colostate.edu).
There are five total DOIs related to PISTON, separated by ship (and therefore year) as well as other platforms/locations that span multiple years:
February 28 2023
PISTON-ONR-NOAA_RVThompson_2019 is the Propagation of Intra-Seasonal Tropical Oscillations (PISTON) 2018 Research Vessel (RV) Thompson data product. This product is the result of a joint effort that involved NASA as well as the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Data was collected collection for this product using multiple instruments on the RV Thompson platform including: SEA-going POLarimetric Doppler Radar (SEA-POL), Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD), Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), Chameleon Microstructure Profiler (CHAM), and SurfOtter Platform (SO). Data collection is complete.
The PISTON field campaign, sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), was designed to gain understanding and enhance the prediction capability of multi-scale tropical atmospheric convection and air-sea interaction in this region. PISTON targeted the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation (BSISO), which defines the northward and eastward movement of convection associated with equatorial waves, the MJO, tropical cyclones, and the Maritime Continent monsoon during northern-hemispheric (boreal) summertime. PISTON completed three total shipboard cruises (this doi), deployed eight drifting ocean profiling floats and two full-depth ocean moorings, collaborated with a Japanese research vessel collecting similar data, and also made use of soundings from nearby islands. These activities took place in the Philippine Sea, which is in the tropical northwestern Pacific Ocean north of Palau, between August 2018 - September 2019, with each dataset spanning a slightly different amount of time. There were two US research vessels involved in PISTON: R/V Thomas G. Thompson in Aug-Sept and Sept-Oct 2018 (this doi) and R/V Sally Ride in Sept 2019. The first 2018 cruise coincided collaborative activities with R/V Mirai. The 2019 cruise coincided with the NASA CAMP2Ex airborne field experiment (Clouds, Aerosol and Monsoon Processes-Philippines Experiment, please see more info below). The two specialized moorings were deployed north of Palau and collected data from August 2018 - Oct 2019 to document a time series of ocean characteristics beneath typhoons and other tropical weather disturbances. Toward the same goal, eight profiling ocean floats were also deployed ahead of typhoons in 2018.
For characterization of clouds and precipitation, the PISTON shipboard instrument payload included a scanning C-band dual-polarization Doppler radar (SEA-POL), a vertically-pointing Doppler W-band radar, and multiple vertically- and horizontally-scanning lidars. Rawinsondes were launched from the ships for atmospheric profiling. Additional radiosonde and precipitation radar data were collected from R/V Mirai via an international collaboration. Regular soundings were also archived from islands neighboring the Philippines and the Philippine Sea: Dongsha Island, Taiping Island, Yap, Palau, and Guam. Additional atmospheric sampling from the PISTON R/V Thompson 2018 and Sally Ride 2019 cruises included an electric field meter and disdrometer in 2018, and all-sky camera images in 2019. To document near-surface meteorological conditions, air-sea fluxes, and upper-ocean variability including ocean vertical profiles on these cruises, instruments were deployed on and towed from the ship. Additional profiles of ocean acoustics and oceanic chemistry were not archived but are available upon request by James N. Moum, Oregon State University, jim.moum@oregonstate.edu. A forecast team analyzed and predicted conditions of the weather and ocean throughout the PISTON experiment, which were not archived but are available upon request for future modeling and observational analysis studies (contacts: Sue Chen, US Naval Research Lab Monterey, sue.chen@nrlmry.navy.mil and Michael M. Bell, Colorado State University, mmbell@colostate.edu).
There are five total
February 28 2023
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PISTON-ONR-NOAA_RVMirai_2018 is the Propagation of Intra-Seasonal Tropical Oscillations (PISTON) 2018 Research Vessel (RV) Mirai data product. This product is the result of a joint effort that involved NASA as well as the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Data was collected collection for this product using multiple instruments on the RV Thompson platform including C-band radar and rawinsondes. Data collection is complete.
The PISTON field campaign, sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), was designed to gain understanding and enhance the prediction capability of multi-scale tropical atmospheric convection and air-sea interaction in this region. PISTON targeted the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation (BSISO), which defines the northward and eastward movement of convection associated with equatorial waves, the MJO, tropical cyclones, and the Maritime Continent monsoon during northern-hemispheric (boreal) summertime. PISTON completed three total shipboard cruises, deployed eight drifting ocean profiling floats and two full-depth ocean moorings, collaborated with a Japanese research vessel collecting similar data, and also made use of soundings from nearby islands. These activities took place in the Philippine Sea, which is in the tropical northwestern Pacific Ocean north of Palau, between August 2018 - September 2019, with each dataset spanning a slightly different amount of time. There were two US research vessels involved in PISTON: R/V Thomas G. Thompson in Aug-Sept and Sept-Oct 2018 and R/V Sally Ride in Sept 2019. The first 2018 cruise coincided collaborative activities with R/V Mirai (this doi). The 2019 cruise coincided with the NASA CAMP2Ex airborne field experiment (Clouds, Aerosol and Monsoon Processes-Philippines Experiment, please see more info below). The two specialized moorings were deployed north of Palau and collected data from August 2018 - Oct 2019 to document a time series of ocean characteristics beneath typhoons and other tropical weather disturbances. Toward the same goal, eight profiling ocean floats were also deployed ahead of typhoons in 2018.
For characterization of clouds and precipitation, the PISTON shipboard instrument payload included a scanning C-band dual-polarization Doppler radar (SEA-POL), a vertically-pointing Doppler W-band radar, and multiple vertically- and horizontally-scanning lidars. Rawinsondes were launched from the ships for atmospheric profiling. Additional radiosonde and precipitation radar data were collected from R/V Mirai via an international collaboration. Regular soundings were also archived from islands neighboring the Philippines and the Philippine Sea: Dongsha Island, Taiping Island, Yap, Palau, and Guam. Additional atmospheric sampling from the PISTON R/V Thompson 2018 and Sally Ride 2019 cruises included an electric field meter and disdrometer in 2018, and all-sky camera images in 2019. To document near-surface meteorological conditions, air-sea fluxes, and upper-ocean variability including ocean vertical profiles on these cruises, instruments were deployed on and towed from the ship. Additional profiles of ocean acoustics and oceanic chemistry were not archived but are available upon request by James N. Moum, Oregon State University, jim.moum@oregonstate.edu. A forecast team analyzed and predicted conditions of the weather and ocean throughout the PISTON experiment, which were not archived but are available upon request for future modeling and observational analysis studies (contacts: Sue Chen, US Naval Research Lab Monterey, sue.chen@nrlmry.navy.mil and Michael M. Bell, Colorado State University, mmbell@colostate.edu).
There are five total DOIs related to PISTON, separated by ship (and therefore year) as well as other platforms/locations that span multiple years:
February 28 2023
This data set contains the monthly secondary forcing data "File B" for Phase 2 of the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS-2). The data are in 1/8th degree grid spacing and range from Jan 1979 to the present. The temporal resolution is monthly. The file format is netCDF (converted from the GRIB format).
The NLDAS-2 monthly secondary forcing data were generated from the NLDAS-2 hourly secondary forcing data, as monthly accumulation for precipitation and convective precipitation and monthly average for other variables. Monthly period of each month is from 00Z at start of the month to 23:59Z at end of the month. The one exception to this is the first month (Jan. 1979) that starts from 00Z 02 Jan 1979, except for the monthly accumulated precipitation and convective precipitation that both start from 12Z 01 Jan 1979.
The monthly land surface forcing fields for NLDAS-2 are grouped into two files, "File A" and "File B". "File B" is the secondary (optional) forcing file and contains ten meteorological forcing fields. Details about the generation of the NLDAS-2.0 forcing datasets can be found in Xia et al. (2012).
February 28 2023
This data set contains the secondary forcing hourly data "File B" for Phase 2 of the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS-2). The data are in 1/8th degree grid spacing and range from Jan 1979 to the present. The temporal resolution is hourly. The file format isnetCDF (converted from the GRIB data files).
The non-precipitation land surface forcing fields for NLDAS-2 are derived from the analysis fields of the NCEP North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR). NARR analysis fields are 32-km spatial resolution and 3-hourly temporal frequency. Those NARR fields that are utilized to generate NLDAS-2 forcing fields are spatially interpolated to the finer resolution of the NLDAS 1/8th-degree grid and then temporally disaggregated to the NLDAS hourly frequency. NLDAS-2 is providing a second forcing file, "File B", in which the surface temperature, humidity, and wind fields are represented not at 2-meters and 10-meters above the height of the NLDAS terrain, but rather at the same height above the NLDAS terrain as the height above the NARR terrain of the lowest prognostic level of the NARR assimilation system (namely, the same height above the model terrain as the lowest prognostic level of the mesoscale Eta model, which is the assimilating model in NARR).
The surface downward surface radiation field in "File B" is taken directly from NARR, without any bias correction. The precipitation and convective precipitation fields in "File B" are also taken directly from NARR, and are used to calculate the convective fraction provided in "File A". The aerodynamic conductance is "File B" is also taken from NARR.
The hourly land surface forcing fields for NLDAS-2 are grouped into two files, "File A" and "File B". "File B" is the secondary (optional) forcing file and contains ten meteorological forcing fields. Details about the generation of the NLDAS-2 forcing datasets can be found in Xia et al. (2012).
February 28 2023