NARSTO_SOS99NASH_G-1_AIR_CHEMISTRY_DATA is the North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone (NARSTO) SOS99 Nashville Department of Energy (DOE) G-1 Air Chemistry Data product. Data was collected via the G-1 aircraft deployed during the 1999 campaign to make measurements within the Nashville urban plume. These in situ, semi-Lagrangian measurements, in conjunction with surface-based observations independently made at the Polk Building and at the Cornelia Fort site, allowed quantification of the following:
a) ozone production/loss rates,
b) ozone production efficiency and
c) NOx loss rates within this plume.
Mechanical problems with the G-1 aircraft precluded making additional measurements.
North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone (NARSTO), which has since disbanded, was a public/private partnership, whose membership spanned across government, utilities, industry, and academe throughout Mexico, the United States, and Canada. The primary mission was to coordinate and enhance policy-relevant scientific research and assessment of tropospheric pollution behavior; activities provide input for science-based decision-making and determination of workable, efficient, and effective strategies for local and regional air-pollution management. Data products from local, regional, and international monitoring and research programs are still available.