RR-1 is a validation flight to evaluate the hardware operational and science capabilities of the Rodent Research Project on the ISS. RNA DNA and protein were purified from liver tissues from RR-1 mice (female C57Bl6/J 16wk old at time of launch) including eight from the Flight group and eight from the Ground Control group. From each group two liver samples were collected and frozen immediately after euthanasia (Flight mice dissected on-orbit after total 37 days after launch Samples FLT-M21 M22 and corresponding Ground Control samples GC-M31,M32). An additional six samples from each group were collected from frozen carcasses dissected post-flight (Samples FLT-M25,M26,M27,M28,M29,M30 and corresponding Ground Control samples GC-M35,M36,M37,M38,M39,M40). RNA-Seq whole genome and RNA BS-Seq (bisulfite sequencing) and proteomic expression profiling were performed.