The MODIS/Terra Aerosol Cloud Water Vapor Ozone 8-Day L3 Global 1Deg CMG product (MOD08_E3) contains 8-Day 1 x 1 degree grid average values of atmospheric parameters related to atmospheric aerosol particle properties, total ozone burden, atmospheric water vapor, cloud optical and physical properties, and atmospheric stability indices. This product also provides standard deviations, quality assurance weighted means and other statistically derived quantities for each parameter.
The MOD08_E3 contains nearly 1000 statistical datasets (SDS's) that are derived from the Level-3 MODIS Atmosphere Daily Global Product. Statistics are computed over a 1 degree equal-angle lat-lon grid that spans an 8-Day interval. Since the grid cells are 1 degree by 1 degree, the output grid is always 360 pixels in width and 180 pixels in length.
MOD08_E3 product files are stored in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS). Each gridded global parameter is stored as Scientific Data Sets (SDS) within the file.
The MODIS 8-Day Product will be used in the simultaneously study of clouds, water vapor, aerosol , trace gases, land surface and oceanic properties, as well as the interaction between them and their effect on the Earth's energy budget and climate. This product will also be used to investigate seasonal and inter-annual changes in cirrus (semi-transparent) global cloud cover and cloud phase with multispectral observations at high spatial resolution.
For more information about the MOD08_E3 product, please visit the MODIS-Atmosphere site at: