This dataset contains model results and satellite-based research retrievals associated with the manuscript submitted in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Journal, titled, " Improved Simulations of Biomass Burning Aerosol Optical Properties and Lifetimes in the NASA GEOS Model during the ORACLES-I Campaign".
There were multiple NASA GEOS global model simulations performed for this study. Following are the name of the simulation and their description corresponding to the file names within this dataset:
1. Baseline: Default version of the GEOS model
2. Smoke Age: Default version of the GEOS model run with biomass burning OA tagged by day of the week it was emitted.
3. Smoke Composition: Default version of the GEOS model run with biomass burning OA tagged by type of vegetation burned.
4. OA-loss: Hydrophilic OA from biomass burning is assigned a 6-day e-folding loss time; OA from biomass burning sources is enhanced 60%, BC from biomass burning sources is enhanced 15%.
5. OA-loss+updated optics: As in OA-loss but with updated aerosol optical properties.