The VIIRS/NPP Daily Gridded Day Night Band 500m Linear Lat Lon Grid Night product, short-name VNP46A1 is a daily, top-of-atmosphere, at-sensor nighttime radiance product. This product is available at 15 arc-second spatial resolution from January 2012 onward. The VNP46A1/VJ146A1 product contains 26 Science Data Sets (SDS) that include sensor radiance, zenith and azimuth angles (at-sensor, solar, and lunar), cloud-mask flags, time, shortwave IR radiance, brightness temperatures, VIIRS quality flags, moon phase angle, and moon illumination fraction. It also provides Quality Flag (QF) information specific to the cloud-mask, VIIRS moderate-resolution bands M10, M11, M12, M13, M15, M16, and DNB.